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Sekali lagi, selamat datang! Semoga ini jadi awal untuk kita bisa bersilaturahmi, berdiskusi dan Growing!

Tentang Saya

Perkenalkan namaku Fahmi. Seorang Apoteker dan Owner Apotek. Struggle ku di dunia bisnis offline membawaku harus kombinasi marketing offline dan online. Suka sharing pengalaman Saya di operasional, keuangan dan marketing.

Kesibukan saat ini adalah mengelola bisnis apotek dan mentor di platform belajar bisnis apotek terbesar di Indonesia (Belajar Bisnis Apotek). Saya melihat banyak UMKM yang masih membutuhkan ilmu untuk bisa terus berkembang di dunia serba digital.

Layanan Growpreneur

Kami membantu UMKM berkembang melalui digital marketing dan strategi bisnis yang efektif.

Konsultasi Bisnis
Several people are standing at a pharmacy counter with a selection of medications displayed behind a clear glass partition. The store has a modern design with bright lighting and digital displays showing numbers above each counter.
Several people are standing at a pharmacy counter with a selection of medications displayed behind a clear glass partition. The store has a modern design with bright lighting and digital displays showing numbers above each counter.

Dapatkan saran profesional untuk mengoptimalkan operasional dan pemasaran bisnis Anda.

A green illuminated cross-shaped sign with digital displays, typically used to indicate a pharmacy, is affixed to the side of a building. The light from the sign casts a green hue on the surrounding area, creating a glowing effect.
A green illuminated cross-shaped sign with digital displays, typically used to indicate a pharmacy, is affixed to the side of a building. The light from the sign casts a green hue on the surrounding area, creating a glowing effect.
A pharmacy entrance with a large illuminated cross sign in blue and yellow colors. The signage above the door is in Cyrillic script, and there's a green neon cross on the building facade. Inside the well-lit store, shelves with products are visible.
A pharmacy entrance with a large illuminated cross sign in blue and yellow colors. The signage above the door is in Cyrillic script, and there's a green neon cross on the building facade. Inside the well-lit store, shelves with products are visible.
Pelatihan Digital

Ikuti pelatihan kami untuk meningkatkan keterampilan digital marketing dan pertumbuhan bisnis Anda.

Strategi Pemasaran

Rancang strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk mencapai target pasar Anda.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Growpreneur Circle membantu saya mengembangkan bisnis apotek dengan strategi pemasaran yang efektif dan berkelanjutan.

Rina S.

Entrance to a pharmacy with beige wooden siding. A sign reads 'Village Pharmacy' above the address '9537 Erickson Dr'. The window displays various payment logos including Visa and MasterCard, and there's a small sign indicating store hours.
Entrance to a pharmacy with beige wooden siding. A sign reads 'Village Pharmacy' above the address '9537 Erickson Dr'. The window displays various payment logos including Visa and MasterCard, and there's a small sign indicating store hours.

Bergabung dengan komunitas ini sangat bermanfaat, banyak ilmu baru untuk meningkatkan usaha saya.

Andi P.

An exterior view of an old pharmacy building with vintage signage. The entrance features large glass doors displaying the word 'pharmacy' and posters on either side. The building has multiple storeys with balconies on the upper levels.
An exterior view of an old pharmacy building with vintage signage. The entrance features large glass doors displaying the word 'pharmacy' and posters on either side. The building has multiple storeys with balconies on the upper levels.

Hubungi Kami

A small illuminated pharmacy storefront is present with signs in Thai script. The interior is well-lit, revealing various products displayed on shelves. A car is parked in front of the store under a streetlamp, and numerous tangled electrical cables run above.
A small illuminated pharmacy storefront is present with signs in Thai script. The interior is well-lit, revealing various products displayed on shelves. A car is parked in front of the store under a streetlamp, and numerous tangled electrical cables run above.

Kami siap membantu Anda. Hubungi kami untuk pertanyaan seputar Growpreneur Circle dan bisnis Anda.